VanArts News Article

Web Design Careers are #MadeAtVanArts

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We love hearing from our alumni and seeing them enjoy the careers we helped prepare them for, and our graduates in Web Development & Interactive Design are certainly loving what they do.

Here’s the latest from Web Grad Abhishek “Sunny” Gyaneshwar, from Dubai, now working with a design company in Vancouver: “I had studied and worked as a product designer for about 5 years, and it became evident to me that technology was creeping into every field of design, from apps to sensors and interfaces. On every team I worked with, we would eventually need someone with programming skills who could take it to the next level.

So while I was browsing the web looking for my next big step in life, I saw an ad for VanArts and their one-year program for Web Development & Interactive Design. I thought back to all the times I had fondly worked with UI/UX designers and realized that the combination of Product and Web Designer made too much sense to ignore. I contacted VanArts and was put in contact with an amazing admissions representative who answered every question I had clearly and promptly, and in a matter of days I was a registered student there. It didn’t hurt that Vancouver was an absolutely incredible city to live in. 

The great thing about my job now after graduation is that there is no part of it that I don’t like. I spend my day on Photoshop and Illustrator designing and re-designing websites and I actually get paid for it. Life’s pretty good.

And here is another story from VanArts Web graduate Melanie Pellegrino, who is travelling the world while keeping her web design business mobile: “While looking for a school to help me start a new career, VanArts came up as the best school to achieve what I wanted. Now as a ‘digital nomad’ I LOVE the flexibility of my work and being able to do it from anywhere. My online business opened one month after graduation, and it is going amazing. My family and I are travelling the world for a year — as I am writing to you I am in Portugal and we have been to Iceland and France already. This trip would have never been possible if I hadn’t walked into VanArts and get the skills, confidence and support from the teachers to build my own career! Thank you VanArts for making my family dream come true!

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