VanArts News Article

VanArts Gears Up with Katana and RenderMan

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VanArts is really excited to be one of the first schools to now be teaching classes in KATANA and RENDERMAN in our Game Art & Design and Visual Effects programs. So, what does this mean?    

KATANA (licensed by The Foundry) is a lighting management tool developed by Sony Pictures Imageworks (the studio behind Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs) and RenderMan is the software Pixar uses to give their films that intricate, unique look. As part of our ongoing dialogue with top local industry experts at Sony, MPC and Industrial Light & Magic here in Vancouver, we found that these top studios wished there was a school that teaches these tools to students who will soon enter the industry. So we rolled up our sleeves, arranged for demos to our faculty, and built courses around them. This project gave us an opportunity to play with some really cool software while building a curriculum that’s going to help our students create awe-inspiring work. 

According to our Head of Game Art and Visual Effects Wade Howie, “This addition of Katana and RenderMan to our classes not only aligns us with the workflow at Sony, ILM and MPC, but is going to make our students’ work look better in terms of the artistic and technical requirements that studios want to see.” 

We’re already teaching classes in KATANA and RenderMan to our current students, and all students who enrol in 2015 will have the opportunity to learn (and play) with the software that pros use. 


You can find videos and more technical details on what KATANA can do here

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The Amazing Spider-Man courtesy of Sony Pictures Imageworks/The Foundry