VanArts News Article

Students Move In to New Campus

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Home Sweet Home: Our New Purpose-Built Campus

It’s a beginning of a new era for VanArts.

After nearly 27 years of excellence in training artists for the creative industry, we are in the final stages of moving in to our new purpose-built campus space on the 7th floor of 333 Terminal Avenue in Vancouver. All programs are on the same floor: animation, game design, visual effects, photography, acting, & web dev/design. It’s a beautiful space and our students love it!

There is a buzz of energy as students have the opportunity to collaborate with people from all departments and feed off each others’ creativity, whether it be in the classrooms, the kitchen, the theatre, the studio, or roaming the halls.

Students who start at VanArts in September 2022 will be the first group to begin studies entirely in this new space. There is still time to join them — if you act fast and apply now!

Olympic Village is also a short walk away, and there are many scenic parks and amenities in the surrounding area. Being trained by industry professionals so close to the natural beauty of the city, it’s a great place to be for the next generation of VanArts.

To see regular updates on our new campus as we continue settling in, follow us on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook for new photos and videos of the activity within.

If you’re in the Vancouver area and would like to pay us a visit, contact our Admissions Department and we’ll set up a tour & class audit.We would love to show you around and have you join the VanArts family.

It’s time to launch your media arts career!

Make art your life in September 2022.