VanArts News Article

New Program for Web Development & Design

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VanArts is pleased to announce our new program for Web Development & Interactive Design! 

Formerly taught at the Institute of Advanced Media (IAM Training), their program is now being offered as part of our roster of one-year diploma programs at VanArts. We have just welcomed today a number of students who are still continuing their studies after the official closing of the IAM school, now moving forward in their new home at VanArts.

The Web Development & Interactive Design Diploma Program at Vanarts is all about integration, and a focus on project management, client relationships, team development and skills specialization. Regular interaction with web clients and industry partners allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of current trends, new technologies and unique approaches to online business. An important aspect of training at VanArts is the curricular integration of these industry representatives.


For more information, please contact our Admissions Department at or (604) 682-2787 x104 (toll free 1-800-396-2787 x104)