VanArts News Article

Demand for Animation & VFX Grows in Vancouver

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VanArts Leads the Way at Studio Job Fair

If you were there to see the massive sold-out crowds at the Vancouver Career Fair for Animation, Games & VFX for 2016, then you already know how crazy-busy our local industry is. Studios like MPC, Sony Pictures Imageworks, Electronic Arts, Industrial Light & Magic and many more had huge line-ups of potential employees waiting to talk with recruiters.

VanArts has hundreds of alumni working at all of these studios around the city, so we were excited to speak with so many people wanting to get in on the action. Our admissions team and current students Hayden Helin and Jesus Izeta were there to answer questions for future students and their parents.



A Growing Demand for Artists

This annual event at the Vancouver Convention Centre has grown exponentially each year as the industry heats up with demand for artists. Within the same week leading up to this event, the Internet was a-buzz with a number of articles on this very subject…

As the Demand for Visual Effects Grows, a Shortage of Artists Looms Ahead (Hollywood Reporter)


Vancouver Animation Studios see ‘Exponential Growth’ (Business in Vancouver)


See Where You Could Work

If you are ready to fill the gap and get busy, it’s a great time to dive in! Talk to us today about being a student for a day or applying to VanArts to get your career started.
