VanArts News Article

VanArts Signs Agreement with India’s Creative Multimedia Group

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Articulation AgreementA Golden Opportunity for Animation Students in India

On May 20th, 2019, VanArts was proud to sign an articulation agreement with Creative Multimedia Group (CMG), India’s largest award-winning digital academy, based in Hyderabad.

The agreement allows CMG students who graduate from the Arena Certificate Animation Prime program to apply for advanced placement into Terms 3 & 4 (6 months) of VanArts’ 3D Character Animation program. These students would benefit from reduced tuition, study time, and living costs (up to 50% less) and still have access to international industry contacts, a VanArts diploma (upon successful completion), and the opportunity to pursue further study through our pathways with local educational partners (which enables eligibility to apply for Canadian PG work permits).

While on a multi-city info session tour of India, VanArts’ Communications Manager Ken Priebe signed the agreement alongside CEO of Creative Multimedia Group Rajasekhar Buggaveeti. In attendance for the ceremonials was Tech Director for Trade and Invest British Columbia Karuna Mallesh, and Syed Shawket Hussain Madani, Joint Director of Promotions for IT, Electronics & Communications, Government of Telangana.

VanArts welcomes dozens of students from India every year, so we look forward to seeing students from Creative Multimedia pursue this amazing opportunity. We are very glad to be a part of the academy’s initiatives to equip their students with a chance to study abroad and gain a competitive edge to their animation careers.


For more information, visit Creative Multimedia’s website here.