VanArts News Article

University of Gloucestershire presents at VanArts

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VanArts was recently pleased to welcome representatives from University of Gloucestershire in the UK. Regional Manager Alison MacDougall gave a presentation to our students in Game Art & Design, Web Development, Broadcasting and Digital Photography about the degree pathways available to them after graduating from VanArts. Our graduates in these programs may apply for entry into the second year of their 3-year degree programs in their related fields. 

Also visiting us was Kim Furrokh, Course Leader for the BA (Hons) Photojournalism & Documentary Photography Course, pictured below with VanArts Head of Photography Ian McGuffie. Kim presented a workshop to our current photography students about photojournalism, copyright issues and how to best present their work online. To view some of the work by students in the Photography program at University of Gloucestershire which Kim shared with us, visit Retina Photo Collective

Click here for more information on Degree Pathways >>