VanArts News Article

PIXAR Setting Up New Studio in Vancouver

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PIXAR Animation Studios today made a major announcement. They will be setting up a studio right here in downtown Vancouver coming up this fall, a first for the renowned company.

This news is certain to give a major boost to the local animation community, and we’re especially excited here at VanArts due to our existing working relationship with PIXAR…

Pixar animators Andrew Gordon and Mike Venturini already offer regular web-chats directly from their California studio to VanArts to evaluate our 3D Animation students’ work.  

VanArts is also hosting a Masterclass with Andrew Gordon and story artist Matthew Luhn in Montreal, on June 13th and 14th.

For more information on the new Pixar studio opening up in Vancouver, visit these links:

Read comments by VanArts’ president, Alan Phillips, in today’s Globe & Mail article.
The Vancouver Sun
See the Vancouver Sun article.
Hollywood Reporter
See the Hollywood Reporter article.
See the article.
CBC Radio1: Listen to VanArts instructors being interviewed here:

It’s a great time to jump on board to what’s going on in our local animation field! To learn more about VanArts and our professional animation training, contact us today to request a brochure or speak with an advisor!