VanArts News Article

Game Art Industry Critique Night

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Recent graduates of our Game Art & Design Diploma Program had a chance for their demo reels to be viewed and critiqued by a group of invited professionals from our local industry last week.  Some of these industry professionals also happen to be former students & graduates of VanArts. 

Guests at the Industry Critique Night included:

Victor Barbosa (VanArts '06) - Animator/Rigger, Digital Domain

Stephen Kelloway (VanArts '06) - Creature & Animation Lead, Anthem VFX

Daryl Mandryk (VanArts '00) - Lead Concept Artist, Propaganda Games (Disney Interactive)

Andrew Domachowski - Concept Artist, Propaganda Games

Jeremy Miller - Associate Art Director, Propaganda Games

Mark Tanner - Animator, Digital Domain

Julien Proux - Technical Art Director/Founder, United Front Games

Joshua Lee - Art Director, United Front Games

Nick Tay - Art Director/Owner, Gup Gups

Charles Guan - Concept Artist

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to meet with our graduates! 

Thanks to Jarrett Gerke for photos!

More information:

VanArts Game Art Program

Georgia Straight Article on Vancouver Gaming Industry