VanArts News Article

Congrats Broadcasting Graduates – Vancouver Institute of Media Arts

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Congratulations to our newest graduates from the Broadcasting for Radio & Television program, offered by Columbia Academy at VanArts!  

Some of our grads, pictured here with VanArts’ President Alan Phillips and Department Heads AJ Junop and Dave Smith , had some wise words of wisdom for their other fellow students and comments of gratitude for their time studying here. 

“Networking is the biggest thing that I’ve taken from this program, and it was networking that got me my job with Astral Media, and that has made them still interested in me working with them in the future.”   -Stephen Keppler

“It’s a good idea to listen to your work from months before and see how much you’ve improved, which I have done, and I’m looking forward to starting with Global Edmonton next month.”  -Ashley Sloan

Congratulations Broadcasting Graduates