VanArts News Article

Blog Post by Animator Mark Pudleiner

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Our Senior Animation Instructor Mark Pudleiner has written a great entry on his PUDLEINER Blog, talking about VanArts and sharing our new school reel.

An excerpt from Mark's blog reads, "I have been working here for over a year now and It has been great seeing the college grow and make changes only for the better....

We are starting to intertwine the different programs: the acting students providing voice work for the animation projects and in turn the acting students getting cast to any students wanting help with some performance roles for additional reference. So with each group helping each other, the school is very much feeling a part of the same focus: to have the students produce the best possible work."

Read the rest of Mark's post HERE and check out the rest of his own previous work and comments on our students at the PUDLEINER Blog.

Mark Pudleiner @ IMDB