VanArts News Article

Image Engine visits VFX Students

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Today our Visual Effects students watched District 9 in our theater as part of their course in 'History of Visual Effects', where they have been watching films that have had a pivotal role in shaping film effects over the years.

After viewing District 9, students had the special treat of having a Q & A session with two effects artists who had worked on the film at Image Engine Studios in Vancouver, Compositing Lead Bernhard Kimbacher and CG Supervisor Nigel Denton-Howes. They spoke openly and answered tons of questions from the students about the process and challenges in making the movie, and working in the visual effects industry. It was a wealth of practical and inspirational advice and knowledge which our guests were able to share with us.

A big thanks to Bill Dwelly for arranging the Q & A session, and to Bernhard and Nigel for taking time to spend with our students! 

Bernhard Kimbacher @ IMDB

Nigel Denton-Howes @ IMDB