VanArts News Article

Acting Graduate Plays Lead Role in New Web Series

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Acting Graduate Plays Lead Role New Web SeriesGeorgie Daburas, a graduate from the William Davis Centre for Actors’ Study at VanArts, is featured in the lead role (with additional credit as a co-producer) of a new local web series called Hitman 101, which consists of 12 episodes currently continuing their release online. VanArts acting graduate Jacob Wolpert is also featured with a role in the series.

Since graduation, Georgie Daburas has been actively involved in several local productions for film, television and theater.  He also continues to lend support to current students at VanArts, in the areas of acting, voices & reference for animation, and visual effects. One of our visual effects graduates, Pranjal Verma, was recruited to contribute some effects work to Hitman 101, through his connection of previously working with Georgie.

(Visit Georgie Daburas online at

Hitman 101 is created & directed by Scott Staven, who had this to say about our graduates working on the show: “Georgie was not known to us before auditioning, and was cast based on his acting talents and look. It was only after casting him did the production realize how awesome a human being he was and how above and beyond nailing the role on screen he aided in the production of the film. He earned the co-producer credit and was very integral to the project’s completion. I think it’s a testament to the work ethic VanArts teaches and the Hitman 101 team is grateful VanArts is producing professional actors who are driven. Also Pranjal Verma, who is doing all our visual fx on his own, is another great VanArts product who time and again is saving our butts in post production fixing all our mistakes and adding in elements that raise the production value. Not only driven and talented, Pranjal is also a pleasure to work with. Thank you!

To view episodes and learn more about Hitman101, visit